Symposia should be composed of 4 – 5 speakers around a common theme and must include speakers from multiple institutions (ideally no more than 2 speakers from the same institution). This aspect of the proposal will play a central role in the selection of the symposia. An author cannot take part in more than one symposium, and cannot present an individual talk in addition to the symposium talk presentation. Any double submission will be automatically rejected. Note that this year, in order to allow more presenters to give talks, fewer symposia may be accepted than in previous years.
How do I submit my symposium proposal?
General symposium proposal: Each symposium coordinator should send, by email, a general abstract introducing the symposium topic, along with the individual speakers’ talk titles and personal details (names and email addresses). This general symposium abstract should be sent to both Boaz Ben-David (boaz.ben.david@runi.ac.il) and Dominique Lamy (domi@tauex.tau.ac.il). In order to allow sufficient time for the individual symposium-talk abstracts to be submitted, each general symposium proposal must be submitted by December 7th.
Individual symposium-talk abstracts:
Once the general symposium proposal has been received, we will send the organizers a unique 5-letter “code” to identify the proposed symposium.
The organizers should then send this code by mail to each of the individual presenting authors, which they will need in order to submit their individual symposium-talk abstracts.Each individual presenting author of the proposed symposium should submit an individual abstract through the regular submission portal , select “symposium talk” as the requested type of presentation category, and enter the unique identifying code of the relevant symposium.
NOTE: In considering whether to participate in a symposium proposal, please be aware that if the symposium itself cannot be accommodated, each individual symposium-talk abstract will automatically be treated as a regular-talk abstract submission (unless specified otherwise by the author during the submission process).